Where It All Began
St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in Wykoff, Minn. in 1874. A parsonage was built, in 1875, which also served as the church. In 1884 a church was built separate from the parsonage. From 1874 to 1899, two small churches were used, with the second one later becoming the school. During these years, St. Johns was served by a number of itinerant pastors, and in the early years, the pastor also taught school for several months each year.
The present church was constructed in 1899, and our 1899 cornerstone reads “St. Johannes Kirche.” In 1900 a 12-rank pipe organ was installed. German services were discontinued in 1953, and a new parsonage was built in 1973. The church survived a tornado in 1977 that took off the roof and steeple. We continue to worship in this historical building, offering praise and thanksgiving to God for his glory and blessings!
Instituting the School
Since 1875 St. Johns Lutheran Church has continuously operated its parochial day school in Wykoff, Minn. St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran School is the educational arm of St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church. Both are affiliates of the Minnesota South District of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
The school is, at all times, under the control and support of the local congregation. All final decisions as to policy and procedure lie in the hands of the voter’s assembly of the congregation. Through the voters, the congregation elects a Board of Education and delegates to this body much of the authority for the day-to-day operation of the school. The Pastor and the faculty serve as advisory members to the board with the Pastor and the called Principal being members ex-officio.
The appointing of contract teachers, the adoption of courses of study, the choosing of textbooks, and all major changes within the school are carried out only with the approval of the Board of Education and, if necessary, the voter’s assembly. The Principal of the school acts as executive director, who, with the help of the faculty, suggests changes and policies for the improvement and welfare of the school. The school welcomes any student—Kindergarten through 8th Grade—who is interested in receiving a Christ-centered, high-quality education. St. Johns Lutheran School admits students of any faith, race, color, national and ethnic origin, or sex to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
The school does not discriminate in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Since September 2015, St. Johns has offered all-day Kindergarten five days per week. For 15 years, 2007-2022, St. Johns offered a Preschool program for children (ages 3-5).